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Tag Archives: nutritionist

I saw a commercial promoting High Fructose Corn Syrup and my stomach tightened. Not only are produces getting away with using a cheap, unhealthy sugar, but now they are allowed to blatantly lie, to say that HFCS is healthy. I knew immediately this would be my next sonic sez video. This sixth video is a little shorter, and I don’t go far into specifics but it is more of a word of caution than an informative video. I also tried a new way of making the video. My last idea required to much printing, so this time I constructed my own mini green screen. The final outcome wasn’t too bad considering I used construction paper and cheap software, but not exactly what i had hoped.

Through recent reading, the importance of eating tomatoes in their ‘natural’ form has been undermined. As the major source of Lycopene, known to decrease the risk of prostate cancer, tomatoes are promoted as absolutely necessary in the diet of men. However, it seems that tomato paste, such as that used on pizzas, has about four times the amount of Lycopene available for absorption by the body. Apparently, lycopene in the ‘natural’ tomato does not have good bio-availability, meaning that it is there but the body cannot readily use it. However, once cooked, the bio-availability of tomatoes increases dramatically. The tomato is a good source of a number of other vitamins & minerals, but those can also be acquired in other foods.