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Tag Archives: commercial

To stop smoking is the single most important thing a smoker can do to improve their health. To never smoke is one of the most important things a non-smoker can do to maintain their health. Yet, over 45 million people in the U.S. alone still smoke. People use excuses like stress and coolness to justify their choice to start or continue smoking. But there is no reason that justify destroying your own lungs, and many people will suffer in the future because of their decision to smoke. Even those who say they only smoke a little, or only socially, are putting themselves at risk.

I saw a commercial promoting High Fructose Corn Syrup and my stomach tightened. Not only are produces getting away with using a cheap, unhealthy sugar, but now they are allowed to blatantly lie, to say that HFCS is healthy. I knew immediately this would be my next sonic sez video. This sixth video is a little shorter, and I don’t go far into specifics but it is more of a word of caution than an informative video. I also tried a new way of making the video. My last idea required to much printing, so this time I constructed my own mini green screen. The final outcome wasn’t too bad considering I used construction paper and cheap software, but not exactly what i had hoped.

This is overdue. I thought I posted a blog about this, but it seems I left it on draft. After I made an entry on WordPress about overdoses, I decided to make another sonic sez health video about using medications. I think my voice acting as improved a little bit, but I’m still hoping for more people to watch or comment on the videos. This one has a lot of meaning with the fairly recent release of The Dark Knight. A report came out shortly before I wrote the script about the increase in accidental overdoses and deaths caused by improper use of medications. The coincidence is eerie that research over 20 years in the making was released the same that Heath Ledger’s death brought the issue to the forefront. This video is dedicated to Heath Ledger, and to the promise of better knowledge about medications.